Whole Chicken Recipes
July 25, 2019 • 0 comments

To cook a whole chicken of any size...
- Put your whole thawed chicken in a roast pan or baking pan.
- Melt 4 Tablespoons of butter
- Add 2 Teaspoons of salt
- Add 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar plus any herbs you like and pour or brush this mixture over the chicken. (I like to add the liquid from my canned Hot Pickled Veggies. The flavor is delicious!)
- Cover with the roaster lid or cover tightly with aluminum foil.
- Bake at 350° for 2 hours.
- After 2 hours the chicken should be tender enough to easily fork apart.
- Save the juices and fat that accumulated in the pan while baking and spoon over chicken as you serve it. (This is a very important step! The juices and fat are the best part!)
Be sure to save all the bones, bits of meat and any leftover broth for...
Another chicken meal! Here's how...
- Put it all in a cooking pot
- Cover the bones with water and simmer together for 3-5 hours.
- Remove the bones with a slotted spoon and you've got a wonderful, nourishing soup stock.
- Season with salt, pepper and herbs of your choice.
- Add cooked rice, cubed potatoes or veggies to make a delicious soup.
~The Farmer's Wife