Welcome! We love visitors and our farm is always open. Please keep in mind that this is a working farm that receives no taxpayer money via government grants or subsidies. We stay in business by using our time productively and by growing and marketing foods which respect the creation and the Creator.
As much as we would love to give a guided tour to everyone who comes by, we simply can't. We have literally hundreds of visitors a week. But still, you are all welcome to come. Here is what we offer.

This is by far the easiest way to tour our farm. Check out our photo gallery anytime of the day or night you want. The Cute Farm Babies are definitely my favorite! :)
We have an open door policy. Anyone may come anytime Monday through Saturday to see anything anywhere. Please respect the privacy of our home. We have a completely transparent farm operation and truly welcome the accountability that this openness brings.
*Before coming for a self guided tour, see the Important Tour Notes below.
Guided Tours are currently unavailable for this tour season.
Important Tour Notes:
- This is a real, working farm, not a museum or a zoo. Come prepared to get dirty... especially if on a guided tour and the children would like to gather eggs and bottle-feed some calves.
- None of our animals are potty trained, so wear boots or at least some kind of washable footwear. We won't get you into anything deep, but sometimes the farm is a little wet and tacky.
- When we come back in from a tour, everyone will need to wash their hands and boots/shoes, especially the bottoms, before entering the farm store.
- We use electric fencing on the farm to protect the animals from predators and to orchestrate the movements of the cows from one section of grass to the next. The fence is safe and will not hurt anyone... even a child. But it does sting and will scare the living daylights out of a person. So, especially with the children, make sure they are aware.
- We use herd bulls for natural insemination. Our bulls have never hurt anyone, but the potential is always there. It is very important that no one enters their side of the fence. And it is important that the children stay near the group and respect adult direction.
We'll look forward to seeing you!