Hands-on Raw Butter Making with your Children
June 19, 2023 • 0 comments

Ever try making Raw Butter with your children?
As a child, I remember shaking cream in jars to make butter. We always thought it was fun... especially eating the fresh butter at the end. 😋
A few days ago I showed Andre and Clara how to do it. I gave them each a jar of cream and it wasn't long until we had butter. They were impressed! Here is a really simple hands-on method.
- Let the raw cream thaw / warm up to room temp (this is not a requirement, but it does help the butter to form faster)
- Pour cream into another container with a lid—we simply pour the 12 oz. bottle into a pint jar (16 oz.) so there is room to shake the cream

- Shake until butter clumps have formed (and don't seem to be continuing to grow). It only takes a few minutes depending on how vigorously you shake. Feel free to take as many breaks as you want. No need to shake continuously.

There you have it—fresh raw butter!
All you really need to do after this is 1) rinse it with cold water to get the last of the buttermilk out... then 2) salt to taste.
And of course, if you need Raw Cream, you know where to get it. We even have a 5-pack savings option so the whole family can make butter together. :)
Your Farmer,