"What Jesus Refused to Do" booklet - FREE

"What Jesus Refused to Do" booklet - FREE

author Gary Miller

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Why this free booklet on your farmer's food website?

Our family has a desire to help others understand God even when things are disturbing in the world around us. 

Grab one for yourself and feel free to get an extra copy for family and friends if you enjoy it. :)

Short Description of the story in this booklet:

"How can we make this world a better place? We watch with dismay as ungodly leaders are elected and evil advances. What can we do to bring change? What did Jesus do—and what did He refuse to do? Are there opportunities that we, like Jesus, should refuse?"

Long Description:

Jesus was born in a dark time. Israel was being oppressed by the cruel Roman Empire, and corruption was rampant. Discouraged and downtrodden, the Jewish people longed for deliverance through their long-awaited Messiah.

Jesus' followers expected Him to be the One to do it. Yet, although He came to save the oppressed, Jesus ignored some remarkable opportunities to utilize earthly power and political influence.

We also live in a discouraging time! We see Congress passing laws that conflict with Biblical truth, and observe ungodly leaders being voted into positions of power. We watch with dismay as our world becomes darker and evil seems to be advancing!

As Christians, we want to bring about change. But what are we to do? How politically involved should we be? Are there some opportunities that we, like Jesus, should refuse?