Dozen Jumbo Soy-free Eggs

Dozen Jumbo Soy-free Eggs

Truly Pastured, 100% Soy-Free

All Family Cow Eggs are...

  • Organically Pastured
  • Soy Free
  • GMO Free
  • Hormone Free
  • Antibiotic Free
  • From happy hens that still have beaks...
  • And are free to express their chickenness!

See the photo gallery proof!

Note: We put a Sell By date on our eggs... not a Best By date. They should still be good to use for about 2 months after the "sell by" date.

P.S. Return egg cartons to the farm store or pickup location for us to reuse.

Viewall egg recipesincluding our NEWSunrise Eggs Sausage Sandwich. :)

Pasture Raised Egg Nutrition Highlights

Compared to non-pastured chicken and eggs, pasture raised chicken and eggs have the following nutritional differences:

  • 286% more Omega 3 fatty acids
  • 13% less saturated fats
  • 73% more Vitamin A
  • 200% more Vitamin E