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Canoe-Cut Beef Marrow Bones

Canoe-Cut Beef Marrow Bones

avg. 2.2 lbs./pack

People have been asking about this for years... Now it's finally here.

100% Grass-fed Beef Marrow Bones CANOE CUT so you can easily access the nutrient-dense marrow!

It's difficult at the butcher shop to split these bones lengthwise but the delicacy it creates is worth the extra work.

Season with salt & pepper, drizzle with olive oil, then roast in oven at 400° for 20-30 minutes till marrow is bubbly. Let rest a few minutes and serve with a bit of minced garlic and lemon juice. Enjoy the marrow by itself or spread on a slice of toasted, McGrath's Original Sourdough bread.

Of course, Marrow bones can also be added to other dishes for extra flavor and nutrition. And I didn't even mention home-made beef stock or bone broth! These bones are the key to rich, nutrient-dense beef bone broth.

If the price of specialty Marrow Bones is too high you can choose between our Beef Knuckle bones or Beef Soup bones.... but neither of these give you the coveted marrow you get with these bones.

Packaged in bags weighing roughly 2.25 lb.


Note: we also have Pork Bones available for soup stock.

Here is a great article and recipe for making pork stock: Pork Broth: The Delicious Stock You’ve Probably Never Tried.