VIDEO First Spring Chicks of the year

written by

Wesley Shank

posted on

March 15, 2022

Good morning!

Spring has finally arrived on the farm and along with it came 550 happy little balls of fuzz... Yup, the first spring chicks are here! :)

I took a few minutes to shoot a quick video out in the brooder so you can hear them chirping for yourself.

After watching the 40 second video be sure to check out the photo story below for more details at every step of the process.

And of course you'll get to see a lot more cute chick pictures! :)

All the best,


Spring Chicks Photo Story​

Just Imagine!

What if you'd wake up on The Family Cow farm some chilly but sunny morning in March?

What if we'd allow you to tag along with our chicken manager, Marlin Charles, as he expertly starts our first 600 chicks for the year? You'd go with Marlin every step of the way... picking the chicks up at the post office, settling them safely into their cozy brooder and helping them each find their first feed and water.

In this photo tour through Marlin's eyes, you get a peek into a typical 'new-chicks-morning.' And for those of you who only know Marlin as your delivery driver... you'll get to see the farmer side of Marlin too. He's our experienced pastured chicken manager and we are honored to have him on our team.

Remember, The Family Cow drivers are not just 'drivers.' They are Farmers first of all!

It's all yours Marlin!

Show them how you do it. :)


God Designed it. We Respect it. That Explains it!

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