Family Picture Night 2024
posted on
August 19, 2024
Good morning Family Cow Tribe!
It's been two years since our last pasture picture, as our family calls them. Since then, our family has grown by five, so I believe it's high time!
But first, just a little nostalgia...
Some of you may remember the picture below. It was from summer 2010 and was our family's first pasture-photo. That was fourteen years ago!
Jefferson, our youngest, was a 4-year-old. Rodrick, our oldest, was 18. And I guess that means that Dawn and I were only 40.

August 2010: The very first 'Shank pasture picture.' There were only eight of us! (Nine if we'd count Dingo. Judging by the way she's smiling, it seems she thinks she's family!)
Fast forward to 2024: Now we have twenty-six 'somethings' to line up!

"Who is supposed to stand here? Are you going to sit on that straw bale or should I? What would look best? No, not that way, this way... but now I'm looking into the sun. Well then, just close your eyes and smile... Hurry, the babies are getting fussy!"
Whew! No wonder Dawn and I are turning grey! :)

Finally, I think everyone's in place and people are smiling... I believe this one might be good! :) Oops! Leo and Micah are not paying attention, but hey, give them a break... They're both under six months. They'll do better next time! :)

This picture is one of my favorite from the evening... All of our seven granddaughters sat still for a few seconds on the farmhouse steps before they ran off to play again. :)
The two on the left side are Gwendolyn and Laverne's twins, Gianna & Geneva. The other three in the back row are: Tatiana, Karina, Clara. The other two in the front row are Sofia and Kataya.
There are six grandsons too, but their picture will need to wait for another time. :)
After sitting still for the pictures, which for some reason doesn't seem to make any little one's fun-list, we had some sparkler and firecracker fun around the campfire behind the farm house.

It was a delightful evening... We hope you enjoyed it as much as we have. So long! See you around! It might be three years until the next 'pasture picture' evening.

If you think our hands are full... you should feel our hearts. The Lord has been so good to us!
Yes, it’s a timeless truth.
Children are an eternal blessing,
An heritage of the LORD:
The fruit of the womb is His reward.
As arrows –
In the hand of a mighty man,
So are the children –
Of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who,
Having his quiver full of them,
Shall not be ashamed.
He shall speak with
The adversaries of God
And will have their respect.
Thoughts based on Psalm 127:3-5
Grateful to be...Your Farmers,
Edwin and Dawn Shank and Family

God Designed it. We Respect it. That Explains it!