Updated Team Picture
posted on
July 18, 2022
Good morning Family Cow Tribe!
Today you get to see our new team picture.
We got together at a park for a team picnic the other evening. After supper we had a great time playing volleyball, corn hole and taking team pictures.

Dad enjoyed playing with some of the grandchildren in the giant sand pit...

This email is in honor of our farm team who works so hard to bring the food from our family farm to your family table... but we do enjoy playing together sometimes too. :)

Click photo for high quality view...
Here is the updated team picture for 2022... Looks like they are all happy and ready to serve you for another year! :)

And here is a better picture of the girl crew, as they call themselves. These fine young ladies are the ones you have to thank for the daily behind-the-scenes work to get your orders delivered from our farm to your table.
They all pitch in to process and pack orders, label milk jugs, cook nutrient-dense bone broth, help the guys butcher chickens, and of course, answer your phone calls and emails.
Our family is incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such good people. We truly would not be able to bring you these high integrity foods without their help.
If you wish to give the farm team a "virtual high-five"... Leave us a Google review here.
We do read each one of them even if we don’t always post a public reply. :)
Blessings on your day,
~5th generation on the farm

God Designed it. We Respect it. That Explains it!