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Raw Goat Milk

Raw Goat Milk

Half Gallon | Grass-fed| Soy-free | GMO-Free

A note to goat milk customers:

We appreciate all the customers that enjoy the Caprine Delight Goat Milk and thank you for the opportunity to provide nourishment, which we see as our mission.

Goats are seasonal animals. They ovulate in the fall and kid in the spring. They usually slack off milk production in the fall gradually with lowest production in winter.

Our goats have slowed their milk production very early this year... We are adding 10 goats to the milking herd in the spring to result in more milk year-round. The difficulty for us and for you is that the highest goat milk demand seems to occur during the low milk production time. Then the demand is lower when the goat milk production is high. We work diligently to keep our goats milking year-round while many goat milk farmers end their production year when the weather gets cold. Our hope is that fall and winter customers appreciate the extra effort for winter supply and stay with us throughout the year. This could help us size the herd to meet the demand. We are happy to provide this wonderful food, that has helped our own family and many people and pets to grow strong and healthy.

Candy and Randy,

Your Caprine Delight Goat Milk farmers

Raw Goat Milk from the Walker Family at Caprine Delight Goat Dairy. Here is the goat milk quality standards in their own words:

"Our pastures are not sprayed with anything, herbicide, pesticide, fungicides.

Our hay is purchased from a local organic farmer who we know and trust who does not spray his hay with herbicide, pesticide, fungicides.

Our grains are Non-Gmo [but not 100% organically grown] Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sunflower seeds, organic Kelp. Everything topped off with a little Organic Alfalfa Pellets.

Our milk has been tested Glyphosate Free by Eurofins lab.

We use Herbal Wormers, safe for Organic production.

We use Udder lotion safe for Organic production.

Organic Garlic and Organic Cabbage are used to boost goat immune health.

We raise the goats outdoors in the fresh air with woods, fields, and free access to open shelters."

More details from the Walkers about the seasonal shortage:

Almost every year we run short on Goat Milk in November-March. The main reason for the winter shortage is that goats, unlike cows, are seasonal breeders. This means that they only have babies in spring and summer and therefore most goats are on their 2 months maternity leave in January and February. The winter weather also signals to a goat that this is the time to make less milk whether they are pregnant or not. Our goats live in the great outdoors, with available shelters, so they know very well what the season is. But don’t worry about the goats being exposed to the elements. These are “Alpine” goats, hardy to cold winters and changing seasons. They do not want to be pampered year round in a dull and boring barn facility. They enjoy the changing seasons as much as we do. This is Caprine Delight! The goats are delighted to live here.

Another reason there seems to be a winter shortage of goat milk is that many goat owners prefer not to milk in the winter. Their goats are on vacation, so more customers are buying milk from Caprine Delight because we provide milk year-round. Also, Goat Milk demand grows in the winter because people seem to like to drink more milk in the winter. Milk and cookies and hot cocoa and hearty meals are just so delicious in the cold weather.

Goat milk freezes well in the plastic milk jugs. It maintains nutritive value for 6 months or more while frozen. A half gallon will thaw in 2 hours in a large bowl of water at room temperature or in 12 hours in your refrigerator. Shake occasionally during thawing. If the milk is frozen and thawed partially and then refrozen the milk will separate and become clumpy. If this happens you can use a blender or stick blender to improve the consistency. If you have a frost free freezer place the milk away from the frost free heating element in the freezer. If the milk is placed near the heating element it might defrost partially and then refreeze causing the separation and clumping of the milk. When frozen only once, milk can thaw beautifully and is very similar to fresh.

So stock up on Caprine Delight goat milk when you can! Keep a few half gallons in your freezer in case of bad weather or emergency, or low availability.

Thanks for enjoying fresh natural delicious Caprine Delight Raw Goat milk!

Candy and Randy Walker,

Caprine Delight Goat Dairy

Gettysburg, PA