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Amazing Grace CD - Free

Amazing Grace CD - Free

Acapella singing by the Antrim Mennonite Choir... intended to provide a meaningful message of hope and comfort.

FREE - Take all you want!

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We love inspirational, acapella songs so much that we bought 500 of these CDs to give away to our Tribe. Take one for yourself and feel free to get an extra copies for family and friends if you enjoy it. :)

Enough of you replied with words of appreciation to our virtual "Team Christmas Caroling" that we were sure you would enjoy these songs as well. :)

The songs are sung by a group, Antrim Mennonite Choir. As they say it, "This CD is intended to share songs of hope and comfort in peaceful, four-part harmony. Old hymns such as Amazing Grace, Just As I Am, and In The Rifted Rock I’m Resting minister to the hurting, lost, and discouraged."

List of Tracks:

1. Amazing Grace
2. I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
3. In The Rifted Rock I’m Resting
4. Abide With Me
5. The Lord My Shepherd Is
6. Be Not Dismayed Whate’er Betide
7. Someone Is Praying For You
8. Shall I Come Just As I Am?
9. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
10. Rock of Ages
11. Does Jesus Care?
12. Have You Been to Jesus?
13. It Is Well With My Soul
14. Day by Day
15. No Disappointment in Heaven
16. Just As I Am
17. A Wonderful Savior
18. City of Gold