Volume Sale!
This is 100% Grass-fed & Grass-finished Beef liver!
Chemical-Free, GMO-Free, Antibiotic-Free, Artificial Hormone-Free, 100% Grain-Free (including Corn-Free & Soy-Free). This is literally some of the purest organ meat you'll ever find.
Did you ever try our Sliced Pastured Pork Liver? It has many of the same health benefits as Beef Liver.
Here is a great article comparing Beef Liver with Pork Liver. Very interesting.
Customer Review:
"Your beef liver is a blessing, it's the only thing helping me with my anemia. Iron pills, supplements, herbs, and even prescription iron didn't work, and red meat wasn't giving me enough either, but somehow the copper and zinc in the liver really are the missing link! I used to go to the hospital every four months for iron intravenous infusions. It's been 6 months thus far, and i am still doing alright! I am so glad you all take good care of these animals and make sure they have healthy lives. I don't take them for granted. I was a vegan for many years, but realize my body needs nutrients it can't get from a plant based diet. Their lives and your lives are truly a blessing to me." ~ Laura Anne