20 PK Ground Turkey Mix (with bones) – Corn-Free & Soy-Free

20 PK Ground Turkey Mix (with bones) – Corn-Free & Soy-Free

1 lb. reclosable containers

100% Raw Mix of Ground Turkey Backs, Bones, Gizzards and Skin from our organically pastured soy-free turkeys.

Our family dogs, Dingo and Simba and poultry guard dogs (Tasha and Bella) love this raw ground turkey mix and so do our cats, Calico and Fireworks and their families.

100% Raw Mix of Ground Turkey Bones, Backs, Gizzards and Skin from our organically pastured soy-free turkeys. You asked for this so here it is. We really can't call this raw dog food/raw cat food because the "nanny state" regulators would slap us for not having a pet food license. So we simply tell you what it's made of. You'll have to figure out for yourself how to use it. Think you are big enough for that? :)

I do hope it's not illegal to tell you that our family dogs, Dingo and Simba and poultry guard dogs (Tasha and Bella) love this raw ground chicken mix and so do our cats, Calico and Fireworks and their families.

As near as I can estimate, this ground meat, bone, feet and gizzard mix is 50% muscle meat, 20% organ meat, 30% bone and bone marrow. When we grind the mix on turkey butchering day, we aim for a ratio of one turkey back for every two feet and one gizzard. 

Our turkeys are GMO-Free, Soy-Free, Corn-Free, Chemical-Free, Antibiotic-Free and Humanely Raised with daily moves to fresh organic grass, clover and bugs.

This raw mix is now packaged in 1 lb. plastic bags. Keep the meat frozen or refrigerated. When refrigerated, use within one week. Let us know your thoughts.

Want to learn more about feeding your pets raw? I think Craig Fear, an expert traditional foods nutritionist, says it best.


Ground turkey backs, bones, Gizzards